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Building Resilience: A Guide for Parents

Think about the five most successful people you know. On average, they might not be extraordinarily talented, but they excel in one crucial area: resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from or withstand hardships, helping you persist through life's ups and downs.

As a parent, teaching resilience to your children can be challenging, especially while their cognitive skills are still developing. Here are some techniques to help your child develop this vital skill, along with ways to model resilience in your own life.

Stay Connected with Others

During tough times—physically, emotionally, or mentally—it’s natural to withdraw. While alone time can be beneficial, having a support system can make you stronger. Let go of the notion that strong people handle everything alone. Maintain relationships and be a support system for your child through daily conversations. Show them that seeking help is a sign of strength.

Cultivate Optimism

Having high hopes makes it...

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Nurturing Healthy Social Media Habits: A Guide for Moms and Daughters

social media May 08, 2024

In today's digital age, social media plays a significant role in the lives of our children. From connecting with friends to exploring new interests, the online world offers endless possibilities. In fact, 40% of children ages 8-12 are using social media apps, according to a report from the U.S. Surgeon General.

Social media also comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to discerning between what's healthy and what's toxic. As moms, it's crucial to equip our daughters with the tools they need to navigate social media confidently and responsibly. In this guide, we'll explore ways to help our daughters recognize toxic behaviors and cultivate positive online habits.

Understanding the Influence of Social Media

Social media platforms can be both empowering and detrimental to our daughters' self-esteem and mental well-being. From curated feeds to unrealistic beauty standards, the pressure to fit in and gain validation can be overwhelming for young...

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From Fantasy to Friendship: Top 5 Newly Published Middle Grade Novels for Girls

Embark on a literary journey through the vibrant world of middle grade novels, specifically curated for girls in grades 3-7. In this blog post, we're excited to present a handpicked selection of newly released titles that span genres from fantasy to friendship. Join us as we explore five captivating stories that are sure to delight and inspire your young reader.

The Unicorn Legacy: Tangled Magic

By Kamilla Benko

Perfect for grades 4-6

Nestled in the enchanting realm of Arden, magic thrives in many forms. Spinners wield magic with thread, Forgers with metal, Gemmers with jewels and Tillers with plants. The source of all magic in Adren are unicorns – creatures who are coming back from the brink of being extinct. Twelve-year-old Olivia Hayes, however, finds herself in a peculiar predicament - despite residing in a land brimming with magic, she remains without magic abilities. In stark contrast, her Nan and sister, Laurel, are adept Tillers, wielding their...

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Volunteer with Your Tween

Looking for ways to spend time together with your tween? A great option is to discover volunteer opportunities for kids that you can participate in as a family.  

It is important to instill the value of giving in our children early in life because it provides a feeling of pride. Using time and talent to help others, rather than just providing money, allows kids to see an immediate positive impact on someone's life. When volunteering, kids will experience first-hand how other’s live and this gives them a sense of gratitude for what they have. It can be difficult to find volunteer opportunities that allow children to participate so we rounded up a few of our favorities to provide you with options.

Community clean-up days are a great way for the whole family to volunteer and spend time outside. Keep American Beautiful provides an extensive list, by zip code, of clean-up days in your community. 

Instead of gifts, ask for donations to...

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New Year, New Reads

All children need to see both themselves and their peers in stories for healthy child development. Diversity in storytelling can include more than race or religion. Stories capture and share the experience of children with different abilities, socio-economical statuses, learning differences, and cultures. Reading diverse books teaches children a valuable skill, empathy.

We selected four outstanding middle grade novels that share an experience that maybe your child will resonate with or allows them to see the world from a different perspective. 

Shelter by Christie Matheson

Perfect for grades 4-6

Maya, her younger sister, Gabby, and her parents use to live in a quaint cottage in the city. Her dad use to be a writer and would cook them delicious homemade meals. Maya use to have sleepovers with her best friend, Abby. Maya's mom use to be an art teacher. But all of that changed when her father was in an accident. 

After her dad was struck by a car on his bike, her...

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Nonfiction Books for Tweens That Are Not Boring

When your daughter hears the word 'nonfiction', it might conjure up the thought of a big, boring book with lots of facts and no storyline or pictures. However, more and more nonfiction titles geared towards children are appearing on the shelves.  

We picked 5 amazing, and definitely NOT BORING, nonfiction titles for upper elementary and middle grade girls. From thrill seeking women breaking barriers to how your favorite dessert came to be, these books contain facts that tell a story and keep your reader engaged. 


Thrill Seekers: 15 Remarkable Women in Extreme Sports by Ann McCallum Staats 

Perfect for grades 7 and up

Is your daughter a thrill seeker, sports lover or enjoys the outdoors? Then this book is a perfect selection, as it shares the stories of 15 unique, diverse and modern-day women in extreme sports.

Three incredible stories told in this book include Faith Dickey, a highline walker who uses the extreme sport to overcome fear, Sneha...

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Ensure Your Childā€™s Success by Teaching These Critical Life Skills

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2022

We are generally happier when we learn the skills needed to succeed in life. We can all think of examples of nice, intelligent, capable people that can’t seem to move their goals forward. By intentionally taking the time to teach your children effective life skills, your confidence can increase that they will be more balance and less stressed in life. Consider teaching these skills to your child:

1. Curiosity. As adults, we can teach ourselves nearly anything. The first step to learning something is by asking a question. Kids are excellent at it. It’s a parent’s job to encourage and foster that natural tendency. Be an example. When you and your child encounter something interesting, ask aloud, “I wonder how that works". And then figure out the answer together. Many parents just want their children to be quiet. Encourage children to ask questions and reward them when they do.

2. Finishing tasks. Many of us get into the bad habit of not finishing a task or...

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8 Tips to Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem

A child can never have too much self-esteem. On the other hand, the outcomes for children with low self-esteem can be quite poor. As a parent, your child’s level of self-esteem is largely your responsibility. There is much you can do to make your child feel confident and competent.

Children are sensitive and have a peer group that can be quite harsh, so what you do at home matters. It’s vital that your child have a reserve of self-esteem that can survive the unpleasantness of other kids.

Give your child the best chance to be happy and successful.

Use these strategies to help your child feel good about themselves:

Love your child unconditionally. Every child should believe they are loved unconditionally. Every child should believe that no matter what mistake they makes or failure they suffer that they are still loved.

Consider the impact it has on a child’s self-esteem when she believes she’s only loved when she behaves a certain way or achieves a certain...

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Tips to Avoid Family Drama Throughout the Holiday Season

The holidays are a time for indulging in joyous celebration, tempting dishes, and enjoying the company of your loving family and friends. This is the ideal, picture-perfect holiday sight, but most families live a far more hectic scene. If you're sick and tired of dealing with holiday drama year after year, this is the perfect time to put a stop to your holiday fears.

Try these four tips to avoid unnecessary drama this holiday season:

  • The early bird gets the worm. Discuss your holiday plans well in advance. In doing so, you avoid being bombarded with pushy suggestions about what others would like to see you do during the holidays.


  • Know your wants and needs. Are you tired of going to your mom's house or your in-laws log cabin every Christmas? If so, speak up. Know your wants, know your needs, and be firm about your decision. It's perfectly within your rights to want to start your own holiday traditions. If your new tradition is to spend Christmas with just your spouse and...
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Grow Your Child's Emotional Intelligence

Studies consistently show that emotional intelligence is much more important than IQ because it relates directly to happiness and success. Many highly intelligent adults struggle in day-to-day life due to a lack of emotional intelligence.

Making an effort to increase your child’s emotional intelligence is one of your most important tasks as a parent.

Avoid downplaying this important factor of happiness and success. Those with a higher level of emotional intelligence enjoy more satisfying careers and stronger, more fulfilling relationships.


Emotional intelligence has five components:

  1. Self-regulation of emotional states. An emotionally healthy person can manage their moods appropriately and successfully.

  2. The ability to motivate yourself. Staying the course in spite of doubt and distractions is an important component of emotional intelligence.

  3. Empathy for others. This includes the ability to recognize emotions and feelings in others and choose an appropriate course...
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Get 4 daily actions you can take today to support your daughter! 

How can you strengthen your bond with your tween during this part of their life? Download 4 actions you can take now to support your daughter.